Privacy Polices: -



MEDICRIU, on its behalf under the brand “MEDICRIU” is the publisher and author of the internet resource & and the mobile application “MEDICRIU” (together, “Website”). MEDICRIU owns and operates the services provided through the Website (i.e., our internet resource & and mobile application “MEDICRIU-doctor and laboratory booking App”)


You are requested to read carefully our terms and conditions and privacy policy, which is available on before you decide to use/access the website and also before you decide to use/access the mobile application “MEDICRIU-doctor and laboratory booking App” or avail the services provided by the MEDICRIU.  These terms & conditions and privacy policy together form a legal agreement between you and MEDICRIU from all future legal complications and bindings, and that will be applicable when you use/access the website or avail the services (as mentioned below) provided by the MEDICRIU.


  1. This agreement contains the privacy policy of MEDICRIU website. By using or accessing or availing any of the services provided by Medicriu you voluntarily agree with our privacy policy. Medicriu has the sole right to change, modify, alter this privacy policy at any time.
  2. This agreement is applicable to all of the user of our website, who decide to use/ access our website or avail any of the services provided by MEDICRIU; and irrespective of whether you are-



  • A patient; or family member, or relative, or friend, or any representative, or legal heir, or any well-wisher of patient; or registered as a patient on our website; searching for any doctors, or consultants, or practitioners, or laboratories, or pathologies, or clinics on our website; or decide to book an appointment with any doctors, or consultants, or practitioners, or laboratories, or pathologies, or clinics listed on our website.
  • A doctor, or consultant, or practitioners, or healthcare advisor; who is registered as a doctor on our website; or wishing to be registered as a doctor on our website and decide to take appointments from the patients who will book an appointment for in clinic check up through our website.
  • A laboratory or pathology or diagnosis center; who is registered as a laboratory on our website; or wishing to be registered as a laboratory on our website and decide to take appointments from the patients who will book an appointment for in-clinic check up through our website.
  • A clinic, or assistant of a doctor, or an attender of a doctor; who is registered as a clinic on our website; or wishing to be registered as a clinic on our website.

 If you don’t agree with our privacy policy, you have the option not to or access any of our services. 


  1. This agreement is about how we collect, use and share user’s data- we add some details about how we collect, control and share the data;

(I) When you sign up or log in at Medicriu account you voluntarily share your email ID or phone number, registration number, location or address when you are registered as a doctor with MEDICRIU.

(II)  You voluntarily provide us your name, address, phone number, email id, location etc., when you registered as other user with MEDICRIU.  

(III) The user agrees that by entering this website either directly or from any third-party website, the user shall automatically be governed by this privacy policy of MEDICRIU. User agrees that usage/browsing of the MEDICRIU app or website may lead to the user’s device information, available accounts on the device (including statistical information e.g., IP address, geographical location, browser type and version, operating system, referral source, length of visit, page views, website navigation, pixel tag, etc. [hereinafter to be referred to as “information”]) being accessible to the MEDICRIU. These information shall be used by MEDICRIU for such other activities of MEDICRIU like Remarketing, Acquisition, Emergency and other appropriate usages, if any.


  • A cookie is a small text file, with small pieces of data, like username and password- which asks permission to be placed on the user’s computer’s hard drive. When the cookie is exchanged between your computer and the network server, the server reads the ID and knows what information to serve specifically to you. Users are advised that if they wish to deny the use and saving cookies from the user’s computer’s hard drive the user should take necessary steps within the user’s web browsers security settings to block all cookies. We use cookies to make your experience in our website better. By using and further navigating this website you accept this. (Here computer means the device from where the users are using or accessing our website).

Overall, cookies are made to provide the user with a better website, by enabling MEDICRIU to monitor which pages the user finds useful and which the user does not.

The MEDICRIU website may contain links to enable the user to visit other websites of interest like the social plug-ins [viz. Facebook, Google Plus, Pinterest etc.]. However, once the user shares/ uses these links MEDICRIU does not have any control over other websites. Therefore, MEDICRIU shall not be liable and/or responsible for the protection and privacy of any information which the user provides whilst visiting such sites. Such sites are not governed by this privacy policy. The user should exercise caution and look at the privacy policy applicable to the website in question.

  • User may asked to submit contact information like name, email address, mobile number, etc., which might be used by MEDICRIU to send out promotional materials, offers and other information to the user which MEDICRIU deems as necessary and beneficial to the user. MEDICRIU might promote third party information including products and services of such third party which MEDICRIU deems as beneficial to users. If the Users reveal personal information on such third-party websites, that will not be under control of MEDICRIU and hence MEDICRIU shall not be liable for any loss of privacy resulting from revealing personal information in such websites. MEDICRIU shall not be liable to the type of information thus being broadcasted to the user from the third party.


  • MEDICRIU has the sole right and discretion to change this policy from time to time by updating this page without prior intimation and that shall be applicable to the user. User should check this page from time to time to ensure that you are aware of the applicable privacy policy.


  1. All these provisions of this privacy policies or this agreement between you and MEDICRIU is made as per the existing Indian Laws. Any dispute arising out of this agreement will be settled by an independent arbitrator, appointed under the provision of Arbitration and Conciliation (Amendment) Act,2019 and Courts in Kolkata will have absolute jurisdiction to adjudicate any dispute arising out of the Arbitration Proceedings. The Arbitrator will be appointed by the Medicriu. The rules, regulations, guidelines and clarifications framed thereunder, including the (Indian) Information Technology (Reasonable Security Practices and Procedures and Sensitive Personal Information) Rules 2011 (the “SPI Rules”), and the (Indian) Information Technology (Intermediaries Guidelines) Rules 2011 (the “IG Rules”).